Sunday, October 15, 2006

What Ten Years Really Means...

I am so tired or reading articles with heresay like "scientists say we are ten years away from" something really important to humanity. I read it so much that I think it means "we really have no clue, but sooner not later". How many times have we read that gene therapy is ten years away or that there is a cancer cure ten years away?

While I'm on a roll, I just wanted to let all of my friends and family know that I think I'll be married soon... in about ten years :P.


Elinoire said...

Hey, you know what else is happening in the next ten years? The Big One. You know, the earthquake that knocks the part of California we live on into the ocean. No, really, it's true. An expert told me. In the '80s.

Valerie Polichar said...

So what Elinoire is really saying you will be married in ten years. Underwater.