Friday, May 29, 2009

13 Months Off

Let's not even dwell on where I've been or why I stopped blogging. I'm ready to look ahead. Things I want to do in the near future:
1. Remind myself how to use a sewing machine.
2. Get an SLR camera. It has been too long since I've taken a good macro shot.
3. Cultivate my various plants, especially the tomatoes.
4. Mail out the final copies of my Christmas newsletter. See there are things I am almost as behind on as blogging.

In my last three minutes of spare time, I want to thank any of you who hung in through this dry spell. Will she be back? Who knows?!


Joe Crawford said...

It's real hard to quit blogging. Looking forward to another post in, max, 13 more months. :-)

Valerie Polichar said...

That's why I love feedreaders. I don't have to keep checking people's blogs for 13 months while they are off diddling around, doing nothing useful (j/k!).