After many failed attempts, some boiling water and more plunging attempts, I finally fixed a clogged toilet myself. This was not any ordinary clog. This was one that I'd tried plunging a dozen times, flushed after the water had gone down (which took an hour or so) and that I let sit over night.
This article actually helped or maybe it's a coincidence. Once I had the idea to get the air out of the plunger first, I was able to get supreme suction going. It occurs to me as I type this, how little interest this is going to hold for the .5 readers of my blog. Please appreciate this blog post as a geeky girl's version of the end zone dance. I am constantly excited when I tackle something that I think falls under the job description of handyman. On to the towel rack that recently fell down.
Hope you spiked the football, too.
And no one's ever referred to me as .5. Love it. : )
Now you know you're a grownup !!
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